
CA Campus full programme structure

Posted 31st January 2019 by Sara du Toit & filed under General,

Both lectures and tutorials are equally important to the learning process. CA Campus lecturers start by covering the theory (rules, principles, legislation, etc.) and then demonstrate how to apply the theory by working through tutorial questions.

Too many students make the mistake of trying to study from questions. By doing this you will only cover the theory addressed in those specific questions. This obviously doesn’t help when a different section of the theory is examined. All tests and exams are uniquely set and you will never get a replica of a question that you have done previously. You must understand the theory before attempting questions so that you can apply what you have studied to any scenario.

The purpose of a tutorial question is to test whether your initial understanding of the theory is correct and to practise exam technique.

You are not only studying to pass an exam. You are studying to develop the skills and competencies required by a chartered accountant so that you can apply what you have learned in a real life situation.

For this reason the CA Campus programme includes a combination of lectures and tutorials:

Lectures: Lectures cover the theory prescribed by Unisa. Our lecturers start with the basics and build up to the more challenging parts of the syllabus. Our students must understand principles and not simply memorise a rule. Where applicable, the lecturers make use of standards and legislation and assist students in using these resources.

Tutorials: Tutorial questions should be attempted under exam conditions before watching the tutorial feedback. In the tutorial recording the lecturer will tackle the question, pointing out and explaining important principles, common mistakes and good exam technique. The lecturer writes out the solution so that you can see exactly how you should have structured your answer.

CA Campus provides online support for CTA students.  Try our Free Week and test the programme for yourself – click HERE for access.

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