
Getting to know your auditing CTA lecturer

Posted 21st January 2016 by Candice De Nobrega & filed under General,
Candice De Nobrega- Auditing CTA lecturer at CA Campus

Candice De Nobrega CA(SA) – Auditing CTA lecturer at CA Campus

You are going to spend the better part of a year listening to your CTA lecturers. You will know all about their academic credentials and work experience, as this is the type of information they will gladly share with you. But wouldn’t it be nice to know a little bit more about each of your CTA lecturers…

They do after all, expect you to put all of your trust in them.

We decided to put your CTA lecturers to the test.

Each CTA lecturer was asked a few of the most popular questions that students would like to ask their lecturers.

Here is what our Auditing CTA lecturer, Candice De Nobrega CA (SA), had to say:

Briefly introduce yourself to your students:

I am 2.5 meters tall, I wear size 11 shoes and I have a rough voice that can be heard for miles. Ok, ok, one can only dream:) On a serious note, I am very short, with very small feet, and although my voice is far from rough, one thing is for sure, you can hear it for miles. I like to laugh and smile a lot, but when it comes to lecturing I like to think of myself as quite strict, this however is something you will have to make your own mind up about.

Why have you chosen CTA lecturing as your career?

I do lecture undergraduate auditing as well, however there is something special about lecturing CTA students. They are so focused, so eager to learn and have a substantial amount of knowledge that they are either aware of, or will become aware of very quickly into the academic year. CTA students are so close in the race to becoming chartered accountants and being there to help them with the big decisions to follow, like where to do articles or what to do once qualified, is another reason why lecturing CTA students is my dream job.

Why have you chosen the subject you are lecturing?

Like most aspiring lecturers, you don’t necessarily have the pick of your subject when an educational institution is hiring staff. I was always very keen to lecture Taxation, it was the subject I did best at during my CTA year, and as a result I had really enjoyed interpreting the legislations. This however was not meant to be. In my third year of articles, FLB had an opening for a part time auditing lecturer, and although I felt the same way many of you feel towards the subject, I decided to give auditing another chance. Very quickly I picked up that most of my students were studying auditing by learning everything off by heart, something I used to do, but I didn’t recognise that in myself until I had seen it in others. From that day on I made it my mission to change the way my students study for auditing, and although I have not perfected it yet (most students find it difficult to change their approach), one day I will be the first auditing lecturer to have a class of students, who understand the concepts and the value of auditing, instead of just being able to list a bunch of substantive procedures.

Why did you choose CA Campus?

I had been an employee lecturing auditing since the completion of my articles and although I was doing what I loved, something was missing. I was giving students advice about making a difference in the world, building businesses to assist with unemployment, being entrepreneurs, being leaders and there I was, an employee. I needed to practice what I was preaching, and so the idea of CA Campus was born.

What other interests/hobbies do you have?

I like to keep active by running and swimming. If only I liked cycling, I would spend more time doing triathlons. I like pretty much any sport, if there are any takers I will play the game, otherwise I enjoy watching sport too. On weekends you will find me running a road race, hanging out with friends and family, or happily chilling on the couch watching sport with my husband.

What advice would you give to an aspiring CA (SA)?

The road to becoming a CA is long and winding so you need to ask yourself if you are fully prepared to work hard for the 7/8 year journey. If the answer is yes, then the next challenge is to believe that you can do it. You are going to be tested along the way, from bad marks in tests to bad ratings during your articles. You need to hang in there, and keep believing. Surround yourself with people who support you, trust the people that are there to help you and above all never lose sight of your goal. Each time you succeed along the way, reward yourself for your small victory, but never become complacent. Find a CA that you respect and arrange a chat, ask them about the challenges they faced in their journey and every time you experience something similar, reflect on how they managed that challenge. We need more CA’s in South Africa, so go do it!

Why in your opinion should students choose CA Campus?

CA Campus comprises of a team of passionate people. We are young, we have experience and we are hungry for success, and our success is fully dependent on the success of our students.


Find out what your Management Accounting CTA lecturer, Sara du Toit CA (SA) had to say when asked the above questions, in our next blog.

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