
Nina Rodrigues

Posted 10th January 2017 by Sara du Toit & filed under

Since my undergraduate days I’ve never been a natural at management accounting. In fact, it was often a module I would try to skim through because, to me, it felt like every example was so different and I was never able to understand every eventuality. Little did I know, once at a CTA level, there would be nowhere to hide.

I did CTA1 through UNISA in 2015 and had no classes or extra booster material to rely on throughout the year. I had always been accustomed to doing it all myself. I struggled to keep up with the demands of financial accounting, taxation and auditing while trying to spend double the amount of time on management accounting as I just didn’t seem to “get it”. Not once during the year did I achieve a test mark above 50% for management accounting.

Thankfully, I managed to scrape through in my final exam but I promised myself that I would not go through the same stress in CTA2 if I could find a lecturer capable of assisting me with management accounting.

I searched far and wide and had nearly given up when a colleague had raved to me about Sara Du Toit at CA Campus. I had never heard of them but had decided to check it out. Luckily for me, they offered a free trial week during January 2016 and after listening to a few online lectures I was sure that this was going to work for me. I signed up shortly after and the rest, as they say, is history.

I began listening to all Sara’s online classes and it improved my understanding of what management accounting was truly about. Not only is Sara’s course material brilliant but the amount of questions covered by her at a CTA level is the real key – you get to see how to apply your knowledge to maximize marks. For every single test of 2016, I had got over 50% for management accounting. Yes, not distinction status but to me, 51% for management accounting was overachieving. I was able to focus on all 5 modules more equally during 2016 and that showed in my overall test results.

I passed my final exams and I am now registered to write ITC! It was incredibly hard work but if you want it, and I mean truly want it, you can conquer this beast.

Sara was able to inspire the uninspired and that for me was the real achievement. She is a wonderful lecturer and I can only thank my lucky stars that the only slot available all those years ago was as management accounting lecturer – you were born to do it!!!

Once again, a big thank you. Could not have done it without you.

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